Coaching and Psychotherapy
What is MAP™ (Making Anything Happen)?
The MAP experience empowers you to train your brain to sort, reboot and refocus your emotions and thoughts. Vicki trains you how to use the 4-step process to reassess beliefs that underlie how you interpret events in your life. The MAP experience can save you hours of talk therapy, over thinking, meditating and procrastination by alleviating stress and negative emotions.
Private Personal Sessions
Private 1:1 sessions are for individuals who have never experienced the MAP Method™ or to expand their personal growth to another level with the guidance of a private coach. The benefit of having a personal coach or therapist is they can skillfully steer you out of a pattern you may not have seen on your own. Unlike traditional talk therapy, it is not necessary for you to share all of the details of your story, so you can maintain privacy to go deeply into your own process. Private sessions address trauma, addictions, current crises, debilitating health issues, painful loss, severe anxiety over school work or family issues.
Group Coaching Sessions
Group coaching meetings are for those who are familiar with the MAP Method™ and desire ongoing support for general stress relief, emotional resilience and sparking creativity as you maintain momentum towards your goals. These sessions are private, with no need to talk or share anything but your heart felt presence and appreciation for other members of the group.
Vicki provides continuing education for healthcare providers, school counselors, educators, social service providers, and persons referred through Employee Assistance Programs who experience trauma and/or work with individuals affected by trauma.
No matter what size your group is, this workshop can equip you with the tools to support your well-being at work and ensure that you and your team put self care at the top of your agenda.
MAP for Self-Care Group
As healthcare professional caregivers, we are facing unprecedented daily challenges and traumas. We know the courage and energy it takes to be ready, show up, listen, validate, and support others. It can be overwhelming and difficult to find the time to decompress.
Don't miss the opportunity to join our group for the MAP experience where you will learn how to train your brain to process negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs.
Our group is designed for anyone who is struggling with stress and wants to prevent compassion fatigue and burnout. Learn more about the MAP Method TM and how to experience a sense of deep relaxation, shift your perspective, and be more present!