I know how difficult it can be to work in the trenches in healthcare. I was there for many years as a manager and lead clinician for both medical and mental health programs. I remember having many reasons for not taking time out for my own self-care. I was regularly operating in survival mode and just trying to cope with my raw emotions. Many times, I chose to be alone (often I wasn’t comfortable reaching out for support, but I did a lot of Yoga and sometimes wore myself out instead).

Maybe you’re experiencing similar feelings. Perhaps the weight of so much loss and chaos is holding you back from committing to even one more thing in your life right now—even if it could help alleviate stress, build resilience, and prevent burnout. I’m not here to convince you to do anything that you’re not ready to do, but if you’re needing support, I’d like for you to consider joining our MAP for Self Care Group.


 I’ve dedicated this group to mental health professionals, healthcare providers, caregivers, and coaches. That means these sessions are focused on you and your peers—the people who really understand what you’re going through. Maybe you’ve never considered attending an online group like this. That’s okay! This is a safe space where you don’t have to talk, interact, or tell your story. And if you already have a private therapist or coach, that’s okay too!

Our focus is on emotional healing and learning new ways to deal with the anxieties that have become more widespread and inescapable during these challenging times. Many of the common themes that we’re all struggling with—feeling safe, giving and receiving support, having self-doubt, being overwhelmed, dealing with loss, reinventing ourselves, finding self-compassion, and re-prioritizing—are addressed during these sessions.

I truly believe that you’ll find the MAP for Self Care Group to be a worthwhile investment of your time, and I’m looking forward to meeting you! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about our group or if you want to schedule a private consultation.


<insert electronic signature>

Vicki Sherman

 While the MAP for Self Care Group is therapeutic in nature, it is not a substitute for emergency crisis intervention therapy.

Objectives for the MAP for Self Care Group

As part of the MAP for Self Care Group, you’ll become proficient at observing how your mind works and sorts through ideas. I’ll check in routinely to guide you and to note your process. We’ll also incorporate some specific mind-body awareness skills from other systems (e.g., The BodyTalk SystemTM) that can help bring calm and balance to your mental and physical well-being. 

During our sessions you will:

  • Learn how to apply the MAP MethodTM to rewire your brain and recover from stress

  • Learn new skills for resetting your nervous system when you become anxious or react to something that is “pushing your buttons”

  • Discover how to identify unconscious obstacles or thoughts and how to neutralize negative emotions

  • Discover ways to relax, revitalize, and recognize the deep level of joy and luck that comes with transforming stress into peace and compassion for yourself and others


 About the MAP Method

The MAP MethodTM is a structured meditation tool within a protocol for targeted exploration of your innermost ideas.  It engages the subconscious mind to treat emotions and memories that are attached to stress responses. The MAP MethodTM was founded by Colette Streicher and Val Streicher, known globally for their expertise in training therapists and coaches to help their clients who are suffering from stress and trauma.

 While the MAP for Self Care Group is therapeutic in nature, it is not a substitute for emergency crisis intervention therapy.