Transform stress into success
Your everyday life as a therapist, professional, or student can be free of stress and worry. You have the power to move forward, take action, and deal with challenges affecting your work and school success. There are viable opportunities to experience peace and satisfaction, and change the behavior patterns that currently leave you anxious about your performance.
Are you a nurse, counselor, teacher, or graduate student working in a high-stress setting who “lives for vacation” and when you return, it feels like you need “another vacation”? Even if you work at home, the challenge of staying focused and avoiding being overwhelmed can still affect you. For those of you who fit these or similar scenarios in the corporate world, working with the MAP Method™ can help you become so relaxed about your upcoming workday you’re actually getting up before the alarm!
How We Can
Work Together
The MAP Method™ is like cleaning out the closets of your brain to create an extraordinary life where you can be yourself and follow your dreams.
This method works well for burned-out professionals, students, counselors — and super-moms too!
Vicki uses the MAP Method™ (also known as the MAP experience) so you can learn to train your brain to sort, reboot and refocus your emotions and thoughts. She trains you how to use the method to reassess beliefs that underlie how you interpret events in your life. The MAP experience can save you hours of talk therapy, over thinking, meditating and procrastination by alleviating stress and negative emotions.
Private Sessions
Private 1:1 sessions are for individuals who have never experienced the MAP Method™, who are coping with a high level of stress, or are expanding their personal growth to another level with the guidance of a private coach.
Group Coaching
Group coaching meetings are for individuals who are familiar with the MAP Method™ and desire ongoing support. One group is for professionals and therapists in the healthcare industry. Another group is tailored to the needs of interns and graduate students.
Workshops are designed for continuing education of healthcare providers, educators, social service providers, school counselors, and individuals referred through EAP. The goal of the workshops is to offer cutting edge tools for burnout prevention and recovery to individuals exposed to high levels of stress and/or trauma in their work.

Break the cycle of doubt and fear
LCSW, CBP, Certified MAP Practitioner
Vicki Sherman
Hi, I am Vicki Sherman! I would like to congratulate you for taking a significant step away to stop overthinking and worrying about your future, and moving forward to satisfaction and peace in your daily life.